Top 10 Tips for Happy Married Life

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Sometime ago, postmodern men and women stopped having faith. Believing was obsolete. Being responsible was outdated. They gave up on religion, politics, family, love, marriage, education and hard work and ended up living on a whim. One can get married in Vegas and divorce the next day in New York or London or Barcelona. One can go to college and drop out anytime or can have a baby and give him up to somebody else, no big deal. Nothing matters. But, believe it or not great things still require hard work and a big amount of faith. Great marriages that last more than 50 years don’t just happen. No relation stays forever it is just love which lasts forever. Here are top ten tips for a successful married life and marital relations.

10. Compromise

Marriage means merging of two separate lives into one. Two different people living under the same roof must learn how to compromise. At first it might seem like an impossible, humiliating, and nonsensical task but it is a step toward a successful marriage. People don’t change overnight;old habits don’t vanish just because you got married and a couple needs to put up with this stuff in a constructive way; through diplomacy and compromise. Each couple need some time to get into this business; but stay patient to have happy married life.

9. Stay positive

Husband and wife should earn the power of positive thinking. A great attitude towards life can help you focus on the bright side of your relationship rather than on the negative, irritating aspects. Make a list of the many wonderful qualities that you see in your partner and put it someplace where you can read it every day. Admire and cherish that amazing person you chose to be your life long partner. 

8. Sense of Humor

Life can very easily turn you into a bitter person but keeping your sense of humor can save your marriage. Most of the time people know when they did something wrong and criticizing doesn’t help very much. Smile instead of frowning, joke when you feel like criticizing and allow yourselves a pillow fight once in a while.

7. Encourage your Partner

Motivate each other in becoming better, honest, kind human beings. Partners have this kind of amazing power over each other. Your encouragement may make the life of your partner easy.

6. Fight

 Some people yell, shout and scream at each other when they are angry and others remain silent and don’t express their feelings in any way. Fighting is better. Fighting is a way of communicating our hurt feelings. It might not be the best way of expressing ourselves but it’s a form of communication and it can get a lot of things out in the open. Do not fight in front of your family or others, let it be private one to get the things sought out easily.

5. Value Friends

No marriage lasts forever if there is no friendship between husband and wife. The marital relationship becomes stronger due to friendship. There should be some mutual friends for successful married life.

4. Give Priority to Relationship

Long-term relationships can very easily become boring, stale and not at all interesting. When this happens it’s time to get to work. You will need to devote your creativity, attention and passion to the neglected marriage and save it before it’s too late. Make a balance in your life because every relationship need to be attended.

3. Praise your Husband/ Wife

It’s very easy to speak negatively and complain about your spouse to others. Don’t do that, ever. If you feel like complaining, talk to each other and express your concerns. Women often get together and complain about their husbands and their marriages but this can humiliate, disgrace and hurt the absent husbands. Husbands often praise some other women in front of their wives that can your partner dull. Praise your spouse.

2. Never give up

Getting married, staying married and having a successful marriage are three different things; but they are based on only three key words: never give up. Marriages require dedication, hard work and the will to make it work no matter what, because you love the person that you married. If that person was special and dear to you when you married her make it special again. Remember your wedding day every day of your life and don’t just give up so easily.

1. Always Speak Truth

This is the number one rule of a successful marriage. Keeping things from your spouse, lying and cheating can end a marriage right away.  Long lasting marriages are built on love, trust, friendship and mutual understanding of each other’s needs. Lying can ruin friendships and families so be honest and tell the truth; it will hurt less than covering whatever you did with lie after lie.

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