In order to spend your life happily, you have to pass through various problems like social, moral, economical and more badly the financial. Every passing day of life leaves us a lesson for understanding the reality and status of life. We cannot leave apart from these kinds of issues because combating these problems will enable us to spend life more comfortably. However, there are some people who cannot withstand these obstacles and commit self-inflicted killing pathways leading to death which is termed as suicide. It is the issue that can never be resolved yet it can be handled more precisely by mental and physical counseling of the suspected victims. In every country, there are statistics of fatalities that occur due to suicide. Here you will read about top 10 most common horrifying methods of suicide.

10. Hypothermia
In hypothermia, the victim turns his body mechanisms into an uncontrolled thermoregulatory situation which keep on losing the temperate control mechanism of human body. Resultantly, the person executes himself either due to severe cold or due to over production of body heat.
9. Traffic Accident
Some people may think that traffic accident is not a way of suicide. It must be kept in mind that speed thrills but kills. Traffic accidents involve many situations which are different in their nature and expected killing time. For example, the person who wants to sacrifice his life, he would definitely strike with a fast running car, hit by a truck or lay down on the busy road at night. This is again requires a huge confidence and sometimes you stagger and decide not to commit suicide. It is usually a rotten way of suicide.
8. Poisoning
It is also included in the most popular method of suicide. The suspected person uses the poisonous material and either ingests drinks or injects the material into his body. Various poisonous substances are used for this purpose like hydrogen cyanide or alkali or strong acid. High doses of nicotinic drugs are also used to do the same. First, it creates unconsciousness and then slow death.
7. Hanging
A rope is used in this kind of suicide attack. Strategically, a loop is made of rope whose one end is tightly slicked with solid support. The victim trapped his neck into the loop and hangs himself like a pendulum. It would lead to suffocation in terms of decreased oxygen supply which would cause heart attack leading to death.
6. Firearms
You might have seen in the action movies in which the actor puts the gun in to his mouth, under his chin or at his head and pulls the triggers. It is the easiest method inflicting least pain even you don’t have an idea of it. Emotional intensification and triggering actions influenced by action movies lead you to use these kinds of firearms.
5. Jumping from height
It is the most commonly adopted suicide method in Hong Kong where 52% of the people commit suicide by jumping from the highest buildings or houses or other altitudes. It requires courage and strong determination to do such a horrible kind of act. It leads to sudden death because extremities and vital organs damage after striking with hard surfaces.
4. Suffocation
It is the killing method in which people inhale toxic or poisonous gases which are considered to be very dangerous even in minute quantity. It is an irritating and painful suicidal attack because the respiratory system does not suddenly collapse rather you starts coughing. Many gases are used like carbon monoxide and chlorine.
3. Bleeding
Bleeding is the easiest method to make an attempt to your own life. When you want to get rid of worldly tensions, you took a sharp knife, blade, razor or shaver and make a deep cut either at your throat or at wrist. People often incise those parts of body which can ooze maximum blood within short time leading to heart failure.
2. Electric shock
It is the lethal suicidal method to kiss the angel of death. In this method, people give themselves an electric shock by inserting or plugging the high voltage electric wires to their body. It inflicts an unbearable pain and discomfort. It is a violent or torture inducing method in which the victim shouts more loudly. It is also being practiced in prisons, jails and a recommended method of death for criminals.
1. Drowning
Drowning is the excessively used suicidal method to commit death on your own. It happens when people hate to live their own life and consider more appropriate to be dead rather than to live. Usually people consider it an easy method as well because when you get submerged in the water then there is no chance to get out of it unless or until external aid is provided. The cause may be relationship failure or financial break down.