Banks are established in almost every city of every nation to protect and secure your money permanently. At the same time, they also ensure about the safety return of your deposited money with a little or huge benefit. Infect, banking system has been sprawled throughout the world and side by side, a number of different banks have been developed which run their own system according to the customer’s demand and requirements. The grand banks have branches in many cities which show that these banks have enormous repute and privilege across the country. In this post, you are going to know about the top 10 best nominated banks of the world which are currently leading the most forward positions.

10. Bank of America
The bank of America is not a newly emerging name of bank but sounds familiar to everyone. You can have multiple types of accounts associated with different packages. The leading banks have a tough competition with this bank in each and every aspect.
9. The Royal Bank of Scotland
The name of the ban shows that it is located in the Scotland. No doubt, it is true but the branch which is working in the Edinburgh, UK is representing the best bank of the world. it has net worth of $2,224,124 million to manage.
8. BNP Paribas
As the economy and domestic growth product is flourishing in France. The financial and banking sector is developing more and more strategies to attract the attention of the people. The bank has prescribed many rules and regulation regarding money business. At present, it is dealing with $2,562 billion.
7. Japan Post Bank Co Ltd.
It is another bank which is renowned in the Tokyo of Japan. It was an ancient bank and serving the Japanese since 1969. The total amount of money deposited in this $2,320,244 million which is usually a very large amount of money.
6. Barclays Bank PLC
It has managed to get a proposed status for the last two year on his passing efficiency and performance evaluation. Statistical analysis showed that 2,426,889 US million dollars are the assets of this bank through which only 4.72% is the local currency. It is reliable and trusted bank for mediocre families so that they may open their accounts at beneficiary packages.
5. HSBC Holdings
In the United States of America banking sector has been refined and being accelerated to provide up to date services and customer privilege packages and services. Since the origin of this bank, businessman turned their head toward it for the purpose of money transfer and account safety. It has been regarded as the world’s safest bank.
4. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Limited
It is located in the capital city of china which deals with almost every currency because foreign delegates arrive in the Beijing for trade and other purposes. Education remittance of foreign students also took place though the branches of industrial and commercial bank. It is gaining popularity in the money saving banks of the world.
3. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
The Mitsubishi is a great leading Japanese company which deals with electronic devises manufacturing and sale. The name of this bank is closely associated with this company, thus ensuring a great place to save the money. The net amount in this bank is almost $2,803.42 billion. This department has achieved performance award in the last year by providing customer satisfaction.
2. BNP Paribas SA
At the second position, the bank of Paris which is usually the acronym of this bank comes at second position of the world. It is located in the captaincy of Paris where billionaires and landlords deposited and deal with this bank. The total amount is round about $2,546,693 million which are currently carried by this bank.
1. Deutsche Bank AG
The Detush Bank is the top most reputed and organized bank of the world which provides you refine facilities and money packages. The figures show that this bank has gained best position among all the banks of the world. the total income deposited in this bank is $2,804,332 million in which 13.56% belongs to the local currency of the Germany.