Top 10 Healthy Foods to Eat at Home

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Healthy foods help us stay fit physically as well as mentally for a longer period of life. Consuming the right sort of foods boosts our immune system, leave your skin glowing and healthy, and fight off diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Certainly, a balanced diet is the key to a healthy you, however, what are the super-foods that you must include in your diet? With so much of nature’s available goods, it was definitely hard to pick just ten foods. Nevertheless, we have brought to you a list of top 10 healthy foods. You may add these healthy foods to your shopping list as soon as possible and reap their great benefits.

These healthy foods will not only make you feel energized but will also give you an improved mood and a feeling of over-all well-being. You may feel their healthy goodness flowing through your veins and radiating through your skin. And rest assured, with all the great recipes out there, healthy foods can also be delicious. Here is the list of top 10 healthy foods to eat at home.

10. Dark Chocolate

Unlike milk-chocolate, the dark chocolate is rich in plant pigment which makes it especially good for cardiac health. Dark chocolate, ideally, with 70% cocoa, has a blood thinning effect which helps to maintain healthy blood vessels and boosts the immune system. This in turn aids in warding off various ailments including high blood-pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney diseases, and dementia. According to a study, the inhabitants of the San Blas Islands have a rate of heart diseases 9 times less than the inhabitants of the mainland Panamanians. The reason is their high intake of a beverage made with cocoa which is rich in flavonols. Now you can enjoy a guilt-free and healthy chocolate dessert.

9. Whole Grains

A diet rich in whole grains will keep you lean and healthy. Whole grains are packed with anti-oxidants, phytoestrogens and phytosterols which combined with their high fiber quality keeps the coronary diseases at bay. Also, soluble fiber helps in lowering high cholesterol and maintaining a healthy level. Grains containing soluble fiber are oatmeal and barley. In 1997, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed that products with oatmeal and bran (when accompanied with a low-fat diet) are beneficial for cardiac health. You can add oatmeal in your diet most popularly through porridge or even home-made granola bars.

8. Leafy Green Vegetables

When uncooked, or steamed/lightly boiled, these vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K. Also, they contain minerals such as Selenium, zinc, phosphorous, copper, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, etc. Here is a glimpse of some of the benefits. Vitamin A is very good for the eyes, the skin, the immune system, and it is said to even keep away cancer (by inhibiting the production of DNA in cancerous cells). Vitamin K protects your heart and bones and studies have also shown Vitamin K1 and K2 to be effective against cancer. In order to avail these benefits, DO NOT over-cook these vegetables. Now you can certainly feel good after having a bowl of salad or pasta with all these wonderful benefits of dark green vegetables.

7. Avocados

Avocados are rich in heart-healthy fats (mono-saturated and polyunsaturated). After eating them, you will have a feeling of satiety. They are a good source of vitamin C, E, and potassium (containing 35% more potassium than bananas). They are also high in fiber. Early research has shown Avocados to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. Tossing them in your salad will increase the absorption of important anti-oxidants (such as beta-carotene) by 3 to 5 times.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is good for your bones, immune system, digestion, and gum health! Pick low-fat yogurt, especially Greek Yogurt since it has twice the proteins than regular yogurt. It is a good source of riboflavin and vitamin B12. Riboflavin helps to maintain a healthy metabolism, protects you against the damage of free-radicals, and enhances oxygen delivery in your system. Yogurt is a healthy replacement for mayonnaise/cream cheese in your sandwiches and salads-you can add it to your granola, make a dip out of it, or have it as it is. It is a yummy treat full of healthy goodness.

5. Blueberries

All the berries are a good source of antioxidants; however, blueberries are especially high in carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins C and E. Amongst berries, they have the highest level of antioxidants and play a role in lowering cholesterol, reducing diabetes risk, slowing the aging process, improving motor skills and supporting urinary and vision health. You can add blueberries to your cereal, combine it with the power of yogurt, or have it in a smoothie, there are so many ways to enjoy this flavor bursting berry.

4. Apples

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? Certainly! This is because apples are associated with low death rates from heart diseases. Apples are high in soluble fiber which wipes away the bad cholesterol and maintains arteries healthy. Especially the apple skin has anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in preventing respiratory diseases. It also has some Vitamin C. You can enjoy a juicy apple raw, baked in a muffin or a cake, or in apple sauce.

3. Salmon

Salmon is a good source of Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which means it will prevent heart diseases, make the bones strong, prevent premature aging of the brain and memory loss. It is also packed with proteins and a great amount of vitamins such as B12, B6, Thiamin, and Pantothenic acid etc. Here is a little recipe for you: put some minced garlic, lemon, and black-pepper on your salmon and grill it.

2. Beans

Beans are good for cardiac health and bone health. They fight against cancer and Type 2 diabetes. They also help in maintaining blood pressure. Beans are rich in fiber, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. They also have heart friendly flavonoids and are an excellent source of iron. You can add beans to your salads, fill them inside baked potatoes, or puree them to spread on sandwiches.

1. Nuts

Nuts are a one-stop food, bursting with the goodness of vitamins, minerals, mono-saturated fats, antioxidants, and proteins. They help us maintain a healthy blood sugar level and cardiac health. Also, they help in reducing stress and maintain brain health. They make a great snack but remember moderation is important. Recommended amount of nuts consumption is about 1 ounce (23 nuts). All these wonderful benefits makes nuts the healthiest food to eat at home. You must keep a jar full of nuts, especially, almonds, walnuts and peanuts, by your side to get a quick start of energy.

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